Fitting the Part: Men’s Inverted Triangle

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Inverted Triangle is very similar to the Trapezoid but they do have their differences. The main difference is that the Inverted Triangle has a narrower waist line. Both have larger shoulders.

In general, you need to look to dress in such a manner that you do not highlight your shoulders but draw the attention more towards your chest. For casual wear, printed shirts and V Necks are key. Try to stay away from the curved neck unless they closely hug you neck. You do not need anything that will make your shoulders appear broader than they actually are.

As far as pants and shorts are concerned, you can wear the pleated pants. This way you can help balance out your broad shoulders. Also, use accessories to help draw away attention from your shoulders. Belts and pockets are your best friend when it comes to drawing attention away from your shoulders.

Jackets are fairly straight forward, do NOT wear STRUCTURED jackets. Same goes for shoulder pads, don’t do it. The best thing to wear when you need to go more formal is to wear an unstructured jacket, double vested is the best for you.

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